Your Account on NFTHive

Your account / inventory (and many other account-related things) on NFTHive are accessed by clicking your profile up in the top right corner:

Via the shortcut list found there you can easily navigate to your account, inventory, listings, HONEY-staking site and etc.

Once opened you have access to 2 different rows of tabs of information/options for your wallet. In the top row you have:

  • Overview: With Wallet/inventory stats

  • Wallet: With a list of wallet related actions and resource stats. From here you can stake/unstake CPU and NET to your Wax account, or you can stake/unstake HONEY from the NFTHive Rewards program

  • Fungible Assets: A list of your wallets held "FT" assets. These are 'similar' to NFTs however not unique

In the row of tab further down we have:

  • Friends:

  • Inventory: Overview of your wallets collected NFTs along filtering options to sort them

  • Listings: An overview of your wallets active listings

  • Buy Offers: An overview of your accounts active Buy Offers

  • Auctions: An overview of your active auctions

  • Purchases: An overview of your recent purchase history

  • Sales: An overview of your recent sale history

  • Transfers: An overview of your recent NFT transfer history

  • Trading History: Has a combined table of your recent sales/purchases with all the details (and a convenient download button)

Last updated