πŸ›ΈThe PxJourney Team

One mans dream .. A whole pixel worlds future adventure!

The Pixel Journey is initially almost fully designed, developed, marketed and mostly launched by just 1-man .. myself, Henrik Piga. But you can just call me Piga πŸ‘‹πŸ«‘πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

I've been 'in crypto' since the very beginning, back in ~2012 give or take, although the world wide web and cryptography had been a huge interest of mine already for years prior at that time already.

I discovered and better got to know the WAX space from the beginning of 2021, where I for most my time around so far have contributed to/worked for others projects. This turned out a bit messy, and not living up to any expectations, and wasting so much time for all parties involved.

So in the end I decided to take on own project here to dedicate my time to, and thereby ensure to have the power to push the projects developments in the directions I see necessary to maintain a healthy, growing and thriving project in this space.

I'm an entrepreneur, designer, programmer, engineer, 'influencer' and photographer. So one might say a man of incredibly many hats.

I have an education/background as IT-Supporter, in ICT-engineering, and Web-Design, which allows me to create this Pixel Journey, a place for all to take share many of my most enjoyed interests (web3, crypto and photography), and hopefully for us all to work together to reach a bit more of the wider web3 worlds.

Feel free to follow my progress and journey around all of this on Twitter as well:

Henrik Piga on Twitter

Going forward we'll be expanding onto the team though, and will hope to 'bring on' a handful of (additional) support staff/moderators, artists and developers from within our community to help bring the whole projects future journeys to come to whole new levels!

Discord Moderators:

  • MrAkai

  • BanoshiNakamoto

  • CartmanYeti

  • jons

  • David (Spanish mod)

  • Mathmos (German mod)

Last updated