Alcor Spot Markets

Alcor, the leading Spot Market DEX on the Wax Blockchain

On Alcor Exchange you can find Spot Markets for all/most the most popular tokens in Wax Defi.

Compared to the instant Swap-options, that simply makes the trade at the pool rates the token is paired up with in LP-DeFi; then Spot Markets offer you the opportunity to make buy/sell orders to prepare liquidity at certain defined price rates. This can be useful for preparing to catch a dip, or to sell tokens at a desired higher rate.

Where many LP Swaps take at minimum 0.05-1% in fees from Swaps, most Alcor Spot Markets are feeless for makers/takers of orders on them. A few Spot Markets for pairs such as: WUF, TLM, VOID and a few others have Spot Order fees of 0.2%.

Spot Market Tradeview Chart

Orderbook / Depth Chart

Open Orders / Trade History / Funds

Limit & Market Trades

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