What's next?
We'll continue to bridge our collectibles/PFPs, as well as tokens/dApps, across multiple NFT-enabled blockchains as they become available, so we can continue to collectively explore what various other parts of the large crypto/Web3 metaverse has to offer.
While most of the initial seasons Pixel economy will explore DeFi and NFT features on Wax; the first Pixel pioneers bridging over to new blockchains might find a few surprises making it well worth continuing the journey going forward as well.
We'll work towards boosting crypto-onboarding best possibly by creating/curating guides, assisting and create a safe crypto learning space that everybody taking part of the journey can feel proud of contributing to. Once enough initial guides have been collected, and our onboarding progress smoothened most possibly, we'll shift our focus more from preparing those best crypto-beginnings, to shilling and inviting the world to take part of the journey.
Collaborations will be sought out and welcomed into the Pixel Journey worlds as we explore the space together. Community/team-selected projects and special assets may end up getting a role in the Pixel-economy. Open a ticket, or reach out on our Discord if you're interested.
This Season 1 is planned to end with the release of our first dApp(s), with a ETA of coinciding with our 2nd anniversary (meaning season 2 is planned to commence on ~18th of July 2025). A more detailed reveal of what we've got brewing will be released in towards the end of '24, however we can already tease that it'll be part of a social RPG WebApp that should allow for displaying and granting "utility" for most assets created along the journey.
At which point a season-ending PFP craft will also become available, and a new season 2 will begin with new surprises planned, on the blockchains we can reach further beyond the Wax Blockchain itself.
Season 2 (pre-season)
While Season 2, doesn't fully officially begin with new mechanics and new journey adventures, till the summer of 2025. Then the pre-season already begins in the Spring, where we'll keep expanding our journey horizons ahead towards the Web3 audiences beyond Wax.
New bountybloks/contests to engage users from elsewhere, and hopefully lead more to explore the journey beginnings of season 1 that will continue to be running for seasons to come, and function as a guide and exploration tool for discovering the various features integrated on the Wax (and other future blockchains we expand to)
Certain mechanics will be exclusive to each blockchain, for example the inter-blockchain bridging and Pixal recycling/blends will be unique to the Wax side of the journey.
Last updated