TacoSwap (MEALS & SALSA)

https://swap.tacocrypto.io/salsa?search=pxjIf you're all new to TacoSwap and their MEALS/SALSA pools, consider checking this article from their medium introducing it.

Otherwise, in quick summary here:

The Taco Project on Wax offers a series of staking reward tools on their TacoSwap site, which offers great LP-provider reward possibilities that we plan to introduce to the Pixel Journey here in Season 1.

They have two different types:

  • Single staking rewards: SALSA pools

  • Token pair LP rewards: MEALS pools

Using these two options projects can setup/create reward programs/periods where they distribute stakers of their project tokens. Rewards can be both tokens (e.g. $WAXP, $PXJ or the platforms own $TACO token), or NFT rewards.

These rewards become available claimable daily to stakers, and can have a widely varying APY % value, depending on a ton of different factors such as amount of liquidity locked (TVL), volume (as LP provider fees can add up significantly), and number of users participating in each pool/reward option made available.

Find our pools here:

Alcor Swap Pool Link:

  • TacoSwap Swap Pool Link:

  • TacoSwap MEALS Pool Link:

  • TacoSwap SALSA Staking Link:

  • Pepperstake Pixel Journey $PXJ Token Stake

    Stake your $PXJ tokens by themselves here, and earn more PXJ tokens:

Last updated